3 Ways to Prepare for the PHR or SPHR Exam

Whether you take a class or find a study partner, your HR certification exam preparation process should be as unique as you are.

Everyone has a different learning style, so no two experiences will be the same. You might learn best by explaining new concepts to someone else, for example, or by connecting learning outcomes to actual projects. Luckily, there are several options for exam preparation. 

Customize your learning process by using your ideal combination of classes, self-study or your peer community. These methods will help you approach your PHR or SPHR certification exam with confidence.

Enroll in an Exam Preparation Class

Exam preparation classes offer an organized approach, access to a qualified instructor and accountability for keeping your learning process on track. These are a great option for learners who benefit from having a set learning structure. There are several options for PHR and SPHR preparation courses so you can find the right product to support your exam preparation.

Classes are offered virtually and you can take advantage from the comfort of your own home. With some classes, you can set your own pace, while still having the structure and accountability of a traditional class environment. 

Create Your Own Study Plan

For a more personalized study experience, consider a self-study course. Self-study courses, powered by learning experts like MindEdge and Pearson Education, offer learners a comprehensive, mobile-friendly, self-paced way to create a study plan tailored to your specific needs. 

First, though, get familiar with your exam. Understand what types of questions will be on the exam. The more comfortable you are with the structure, the more prepared you will be on exam day! 

Evaluate the exam content outline exam content outlines Understanding all of the elements of the exam content outline will help you pinpoint where to begin and focus your preparation efforts. If you’re studying for the PHR, for example, and you have a lot of experience in total rewards but very little in business management, then you know to focus more of your time studying for the business management portion of the exam.

Connect With the HRCI Community

Shared community can be one of your most valuable resources while preparing for the exam. Joining HRCI Voices on LinkedIn can help you connect with peers who are PHR® or SPHR®-certified or are in the process of preparing for their own exam.

Building a relationship with someone at the same stage in the process can help hold you accountable and opens up new opportunities for learning. Each HRCI Voices member brings different experiences and understanding to the table. Sharing this knowledge as a group can help each of you grow and prepare.

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