HRCI Champion Profile: Juan Tinoco Feberero

Juan Tinoco Feberero is the HR Director of LG Iberia, and is responsible for HR, general affairs and procurement for LG in Spain. He earned an Senior Professional in Human Resources - International™ (SPHRi™) certification from HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®).

This interview was originally published in the magazine of AEDIPE  and was translated and re-printed here with permission. A Spanish language version is available for download here. 

Why did you decided to earn an HRCI credential?.

For years I have thought about the professionalization of our practice. After passing through several companies, including consulting and living abroad, I have perceived that there is a very different approach about the value that HR contributes with in each country. Even though there is already some established educational development in theJuan Tinoco Feberero subject, we continue to be behind many countries that have clearly integrated HR studies in higher education programs. All this led me to believe that in Spain we must invest in the professionalization of people who execute the HR practice in all levels.

How do you benefit from the HRCI certification?

I would point out two key elements. First, I learned more things about HR.

[Second], it has provided me with a fundamental structure. In comparison to what I was mentioning earlier about the lack of [established] studies, the HRCI certification is very well structured and it allows the HR professional, whether senior or junior, to situate everything in its right place.

What tips would you give to future candidates?

Take advantage of the opportunity provided by the certification, but above all, enjoy it. To study is a privilege and to learn provides people with a sense of fulfillment. In addition, the subject is interesting, and its benefit is to be able to help people and organizations. You can’t ask for anything more.

What would you highlight from the HRCI-certification process?

From my point of view, it is quite elaborate. Any student who wants to truly take advantage of the opportunity will have to invest time and effort. Without the effort we don’t obtain anything worthwhile. The feeling of satisfaction when I obtained the certification was equivalent to the satisfaction of finishing my two undergraduate degrees and my master’s program.

What are your next challenges?

To continue improving as a professional, of course, and serve as ambassador for the certification among HR peers. The example set by HR directors who, like me, have obtained the certification, can be a good reference for those professionals who want to qualitatively improve their competence.

What HR initiative are you most proud in your organization?

I am very proud to be part of an executive committee that has accomplished the LG global benchmark internally at our subsidiary. This is something that can be sensed through the leadership and example. We are a reference for best practices in all functions, and from the HR standpoint, we are proud to be a Top Employer company with 11 years in a row as a Best Place to Work and best consumer electronics company to work for in Spain, according to Actualidad Economica. There is no LG subsidiary worldwide that has received these accolades, never mind for so long.

How do you see the future of people management?

I agree with most of my colleagues who foresee that our practice is in the midst of a key situation involving change and risk at the same time. Digitalization, big data, people analytics and all the discoveries in the social sciences are launching HR as never seen before. But we must be conscious of our responsibility. If we are not able to take advantage of this moment and be at the level expected to contribute to the business, we will lose the position in the organization that is ours by nature. We have been talking for a long time about being part of executive committees and boards of directors. I believe it is time to speak loud and clear about what we are going to contribute to them. In any case, I see an amazing future for any one who wants to take advantage of the opportunities that are available to us. 

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